Event Start:
15 Jun 2016 01:00 AM
Event End:
15 Jun 2016 01:00 AM
Event Summary:

Myanmar has signed an unprecedented 5 power purchase agreements in March 2016, just before the transition of power. Can we say there is now a “Myanmar model PPA”? How do the commercial and legal terms compare of one PPA to another?

Furthermore, in the wake of the closing of the first joint venture deal between the Government and the private sector for a privatized state-owned enterprise, MPPE’s Jet Fuel deal, Myanmar has created a brand new PPP Taskforce to explore a wide range of partnerships between the Government and the private sector. What were the lessons learned from this and other landmark transactions for Myanmar’s SOE, privatization and the PPP landscape. How was the gap in experience and expectations between bidders and the Government, unavoidable in such a pioneer situation, bridged? What can we expect for other privatizations? How will other partnerships between the private sector and the Government play out, not only in energy but in infrastructure and transportation? Over coffee and croissants, VDB Loi will share its experience working on Myanmar’s new PPAs and advising the Myanmar government on privatization and transactions in the area of energy, transportation and  telecommunications. John MacKay of international law firm Latham & Watkins LLP comments on the implications for international sponsors and lenders. The highly practical presentation is followed by a panel discussion with panellists adding their financial and investment perspectives.

Registration 8.30am

9.00am Welcome Remarks
U Thant Sin, Managing Director, Myanma Petroleum Products Enterprise

9.05am Update on Myanmar Power Purchase Agreements

Jean Loi, VDB Loi
Chris Sheridan, VDB Loi
John MacKay, Latham & Watkins

9.30am What are the Prospects for Obtaining a Government Guarantee in Myanmar for a Power or Infrastructure Project?
Jean Loi, VDB Loi
Chris Sheridan, VDB Loi
John MacKay, Latham & Watkins

9.45am Partnerships with the Myanmar Government: Lessons Learnt so far
Jean Loi, VDB Loi
Chris Sheridan, VDB Loi
John MacKay, Latham & Watkins

10.00am Introduction to Panel Session
U Mya Than, Myanma Port Authority

10.05am Panel Session: A New Take-Off for Partnerships with the Myanmar Government
Jean Loi, VDB Loi
John MacKay, Latham & Watkins
Kevin Murphy, Andaman Capital Partners
Alexander Bihlmayer, PR Andritz
David O'Neil, Glow Group

For more information, please contact Rachel Allen e: rallen@ipfa.org

For registration enquiries, please contact events@ipfa.org
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