IPFA UK: London: Southern Rail Link to Heathrow – Market Sounding Launch
The waiting list for this event is now full. If you are interested in receiving any follow up information please register your interest via the button at the bottom of the page
The Secretary of State announced an ‘invitation for investors’ on 20 March, for delivering a new Southern Rail Link to Heathrow. This was launched alongside the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Rail Market-Led Proposals Guidance, which explains how proposals are put forward and considered.
This launch event on 24 May builds on the previous announcement, with a keynote address from the Secretary of State, Chris Grayling. It is an opportunity for interested investors and other organisations to find out more about the project and the Market Sounding exercise.
9:45am Registration & Networking
10:40am Opening Address
Professor Peter Hansford, University College London
11:00am Keynote Address
Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport
11:10am Panel Discussion
Fiona Carleton, Heathrow Airport Ltd
Rupert Walker, Network Rail
Alex Williams, Transport for London
11:30am Market Sounding Launch
Brian Etheridge, Director of Network Services, Department for Transport
11:50 The Role of the System Operator
Rupert Walker, Strategy and Planning Director, Network Rail
12:15pm Question & Answer Session
13:00pm Closing Remarks
This event is free of charge.
If you are unable to attend the event, but would like to take part in the Market Sounding, please email heathrowrailsouthern@dft.gov.uk.