Event Start:
12 May 2020 12:30 PM
Event End:
12 May 2020 01:30 PM
Online Webinar
Event Summary:

The Next Frontiers of Technology in Infrastructure and Energy

Our keynote Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future, opens our Infratech Webinar Series by looking into how the current pandemic has masked underlying trends around the future role of advanced technology in both fabric and management of physical infrastructure and the energy ecosystem. 

The next five years will see an unprecedented pace of development and integration of diverse technological developments from smart materials and sensors through to next generation AI, 5G networks, cloud based systems and quantum computing. 

Discussion points:

- What opportunities could they create?

- How is the pandemic changing our thinking about trialling and deploying such solutions?

- What capabilities do organisations need to generate the payback on such investment?

- Are Google, Amazon, and companies we've never heard of the next giants in the energy and infrastructure arena? 

- Can you really drive industry transformation in your pyjamas via Zoom?


-Moderator: Dr. Tara Shirvani, Head of EBRD's Disruptive Technology Community of Practice

-Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future

Rohit Talwar is a global futurist, speaker and strategic advisor. As CEO of Fast Future, he leads a successful foresight research, consulting, and publishing business. He advises energy and infrastructure firms across the globe on how to anticipate future risks and opportunities. Rohit has written and published six books on the emerging future. His next book Aftershocks and Opportunities: Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future is published on June 1st 2020. He also runs the highly popular Aftershocks and Opportunities webinar series which attracts upwards of 800 registrants for its broadcasts. 







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