Event Start:
28 Apr 2022 04:00 PM
Event End:
28 Apr 2022 08:00 PM
Offices of Van Bael & Bellis Glaverbel Building, Chaussée de La Hulpe 166, 1170 Brussels
Event Summary:

The Great Recovery - Trends, Opportunities and Casualties

Government investment and public-private cooperation are seen as key to the post-pandemic recovery. The amount of money spent – or at least reserved – for infra, energy and digitalisation stimulus packages is huge.  The amount spent on mitigating the short-term fallout of pandemic measures is almost unprecedented. Public and private sector share an ambition to invest differently, and to invest more sustainably. Buzzwords such as inclusion, ESG, social impact and green financing seem on their face universal and sector-agnostic. But concrete implementation differs significantly across sectors and regions, as does availability of funds and access to financing.

Where do “Brussels”, Belgium and its regions stand on relaunch measures for future projects? Were the pandemic measures effective and transparent, or more of a Belgian blanket of compromises and tailor made solutions? How will we create resilient infrastructure and projects, and a fair and equitable framework that deals with future shocks and disruption?

Join us for this in person Spring Drinks Reception and have the opportunity to listen to our keynote speaker Helga Van Peer addressing these questions.


4.00pm Registration

Keynote Address: The Great Recovery
Helga Van Peer, Lawyer Brussels Bar, non-executive board member of TINC and SFPIM Relaunch

- Post-pandemic recovery

- EU and Belgian relaunch measures

- Governmental pandemic response on infrastructure projects.


Networking Drinks Reception kindly hosted by Van Bael & Bellis


Van Bael & Bellis


No fees found
Standard Disclaimer
Whilst we look forward to welcoming you back in-person, this event will adhere to Government guidelines at the time of the event, and therefore may be cancelled or changed at short notice.
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