Event Start:
13 Jun 2022 04:30 PM
Event End:
13 Jun 2022 08:00 PM
Clifford Chance Amsterdam, Droogbak 1a, 1013 GE, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Event Summary:

Netherlands FLN

Dutch Energy and Infrastructure Sector: Linear or Circular?

While many governments, institutions and companies are talking about moving towards a "circular economy", does the energy and infrastructure sector in the Netherlands support these aims? 

Discussion points:

- Do current licensing regimes encourage new developments instead of improving existing energy and infrastructure projects?

- Is this sustainable and cost effective? 

- Is the finance sector also complicit, preferring to finance new projects over existing projects, which need financing for repairs or renovation?


- Philip Walsh, Clifford Chance

 - Bianca Mertens, RWS

- Arthur Vlaanderen, Strukton

- Berna Pekkaya, ABN Amro

- Diederik de Koe, Sweco 

Registration: 4.30pm

Networking drinks reception to follow


Clifford Chance LLP


No fees found
Standard Disclaimer
Whilst we look forward to welcoming you back in-person, this event will adhere to Government guidelines at the time of the event, and therefore may be cancelled or changed at short notice.
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