IPFA Future Leaders Network Continental Europe
Future Leaders Social Reception - Is Regeneration the Next Sustainability?
After decades of getting used to a more ‘sustainable’ way of doing business, the new buzz word seems to be ‘regeneration’.
But what does Regeneration actually mean? Why is it such an increasingly important and upcoming topic in environmental conservation and climate solutions?
With rising awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats and biodiversity, natural regeneration is becoming a key focus in global environmental efforts. However, there’s more to it, from indigenous wisdom to radically different business concepts to new economic models.
Join us for an inspirational speech by Ilse Maas and an opportunity to connect with peers over drinks.
Keynote Speaker: Ilse Maas, Founder, IN.credible
Event Details
Registration & networking: 5pm
Keynote address: 5.30pm
Networking: 6pm
Format: keynote address followed by a drinks reception.
Address: Dentons Offices, Gustav Mahlerplein 2, 1082 MA Amsterdam, Netherlands