IPFA Continental Europe
Transformational Capital Markets
The investments for both, (i) the transformation of our economy to a carbon neutral economy and (ii) the achievement of a better digitalisation, will require substantive capital.
As the European financial markets focus more on traditional banks as a source of funding and as banks faces regulatory challenges and have only limited access to equity, capitals markets need to have a more vital role in provide access to funding.
However, the European capital markets remain too fragmented and over-regulated.
During the event, the panellists will discuss the status and issues which are discussed to address the issues.
Discussion Points:
- Status Quo: The Funding Gap
- European Capital Markets vs. US Capital Markets: Learning from the Winners
- CMU / European Capital Market Union: Status, outlook and challenges
- Current Proposals (Noyer Report)
- The main challenges (including data standards and data delivery)
To be announced soon.
Event Details
Registration: 8.30am
Discussion begins: 9.00am
Networking: 10.30pm
Format: In-person briefing; presentations, panel discussions and interactive Q&A followed by a networking reception
Address: BCLP Offices, An der Welle 3 (8th floor), 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany